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New Update July 7 – the real Meredith’s mom replied to our question on her blog and said the account was not run by her father and saying Meredith is just fine! Pic posted at bottom of blog!

Update – her “dad” tweeting a few tweets on July 6th since he sees many people aren’t falling for this scam. Go to the bottom for more info

Original Story
People want followers and attention on Twitter. It’s hard to get noticed if you’re just a regular person living a regular life.

So some people decide it would be cool or fun or interesting to just lie about who they are and post a picture of a sick kid. Then they post tweets begging for RT’s and follows.

There’s a fake account @matttissley that is only tweeting famous people and he’s getting a lot of attention.

There’s a new account @lifeasmeredith

“She” (who knows who it really is on the account) asked Katy Perry if she would come to her chemo treatment if she got 250,000 RTs she even photoshopped a phony response from Katy making it seem like Katy agreed!

Here’s the pic she’s using.


The real Meredith is actually cancer free


Here’s the fake photoshopped reply from “Katy”


Katy would NEVER make a kid get 250,000 RTs in order to join her at her treatment .. What if the kid only got 100,000 would Katy say “sorry, you failed. I guess you’re not popular enough. I won’t be joining you.”

Also just check Katy Perry’s Twitter Time Line and you’ll see she hasn’t tweeted at all Today .. Check the bottom of this blog for her last Tweets

After the source of the pic was exposed the person running the account is claiming that her cancer had returned.

If this were true her parents would have updated her Facebook page

click here for the REAL Meredith’s Facebook

This isn’t true ..
Whoever is running this account only wants RT’s follows and attention ..

It’s disgusting that they are using this child’s picture and exploiting her story!


Ok so the “dad” says Katy contacted them privately and said she’d meet Meredith without RTs and that Meredith isn’t posting because she’s 6. He also said Katy deleted the post ..


If he really wanted to prove this was really her account and her cancer came back, he could simply have her hold a new piece of paper – this is how the REAL parents communicate


Also he could post to their real FaceBook account.

If Katy did tweet them back it would have had tons of favorites and RT’s someone from her fan base would have seen it. Also, Katy wasn’t even on Twitter July 5. Her last tweet was on July 4. She wouldn’t have got on Twitter and just happen to see this one tweet .. and reply .. Then not say anything at all? Why did she log in if she wasn’t going to post anything??

One more red flag is that the account isn’t following anyone – 0 following.

If this was really an account of a sick girl they would be following friends, family, cancer awareness accounts, the hospital the little girl goes to. They would want to reach out to people who know them for support and encouragement.

Hope this proves this “dad” is just who ever opened the account trying to save the account and continue lying and fooling people .,

So sad since real kids and families are suffering everyday with childhood cancer .. You Tuber Talia Joy is in the hospital now at the last stage of her cancer .,

That’s why I try to expose these fake accounts .. It’s SO wrong to exploit this girls pictures for followers!!

So “dad” posted a pic of Meredith playing .. Today July 6 .. Took some time but it’s STOLEN from Meredith’s moms blog from October of 2011 .. Why would her REAL dad need to do that ?! A pic from 18 months ago ??



Comments on: "Another twitter account posing as a child with cancer for attention @lifeasmeredith" (7)

  1. Just to add to this, the dates between the Meredith account and Katy’s supposed reply don’t add up.
    Also, the screenshot shows Meredith following Katy, but the account doesn’t follow anyone.

  2. Just to add to this, the dates between the Meredith account and Katy’s supposed reply don’t add up.
    Also, the screenshot shows Meredith following Katy, but the account doesn’t follow anyone.
    Hope this helps to further clarify. Nobody would ever seek RTs for something like this, don’t fall for it.

  3. lisa hart said:

    Can’t believe I fell 4 this!!!???!!!

  4. Matt Ellsworth said:

    Good work. Keep doing what you’re doing. This exploitation is disgusting.


  5. Perhaps someone should let her mom know what they are doing with her daughter’s pic? Good work and fast. 🙂

  6. Melissa said:

    And Also she tweeted That she had beat cancer and in a other tweet there is standing That she have it again and she tweeted That on the Same day (sorry for some grammar mistakes but i’m a Dutch girl from 12 years old)

  7. Bradley Phipps said:

    Also note that the real parents of Meredith confirmed in a comment on their blog that the Twitter feed is fake.

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